Monday, February 12, 2007

Some thoughts to ponder...

Here are some of my favorite quotes from recent memory:

Figure out where they're from and you'll get a prize.

1. "A good snapshot stops a moment from running away." (thanks Lacy)

2. "Quando dio vuole castigarci ci manda quello che desideriamo." (also a point for translation)

3. "If a guy’s a good neighbor, if he puts in a day, if every once in a while he laughs, if every once in a while he thinks about somebody else and above all else if he can find his way to compassion and tolerance, then he’s my brother."

4. "Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana."

5. "It is certainly sordid to do the wrong thing, and anyone can do the right thing when there is no danger attached; what distinguishes the good man from others is that when danger is involved he still does right."

More to come next time.

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