Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The downside of Mardi Gras... Lent.

So here are my top ten things I'm giving up for Lent.

10. Vegetarianism
9. Sleep-walking
8. Ordering Chinese food with an Australian accent
7. Throwing clocks to see if time can actually fly
6. Watching Red Dawn (I know, it'll be hard, but it's worth it in the end)
5. Playing darts blindfolded
4. Running out in my boxers to get the newspaper (especially dangerous because I have to go three miles to the market to get the paper)
3. Sodium Bicarbonate
2. Celibacy
1. Being a bad Jew

And now, the top 10 WORST things to give up for Lent:

10. Sex
9. Meat
8. Porn
7. Math
6. Bar fights
5. Saved By the Bell reruns
4. Sex
3. Meat
2. Table Tennis
1. Going to visit the biggest ball of twine in Minnesota

1 comment:

Paticus said...

I'm betting that you can't stick to 46 straight days of not ordering Chinese food in an Australian accent. What human being could ?